In the shoreline of Hanko Peninsula is situated an old Swedish fortress. This site is kept in condition by the Finnish Lighthouse Society. The reconstruction projects in Gustavsvärn started 2005 and continues actively. This lighthouse is actually not original, only the top glass part is same that was used in the first lighthouse. An old map shows how the fortress was looking out, before Russian army decided that they do not need it anymore and exploded everything August 27 year 1854. They needed 10 000 kilograms of black gunpowder. King of Sweden had given his name and date of the visit year 1793 carved to the shoreline stones. Great rap-music video of mr. Elastinen from Finland has been filmed at Gustavsvärn: ![]() There is also an old army fortress Russarö nearby, having a lighthouse. Let's be happy that this kind of equipment have not been used for a long time... Gustavsvärn seen from the shoreline. Peaceful moment in the old fortress site... what should I do? OK OK, I know. Let's start benchmarking!
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