Ketunpoika's dried sheep polypore mushroom
Sheep Polypore grows everywhere in Finland. In the southern part this mushroom can be found more often than in the north. Sheep Polypore (Albatrellus ovinus) can be found in groups and rings in older spruce and pine forests, most often in mossy areas. It looks like an uneven formed cloud or herd of sheep with white or light yellow colour. There are no gills under the cap, instead you can find small and thin tubes that are not easy to remove. The taste in a fresh mushroom is mild and a little sour as it gets older. It has a weak and fruity smell and its color changes yellow while dried or boiled. The Dried Sheep Polypore Groats are also available as bundle packages, containing 3 different mushrooms eg. Sheep Polypores, Hygrophorus Camarophyllus and Funnel Chanterelles. The bundle package also includes a recipe for a delicious mushroom soup that can be cooked in the forest on an open fire. Ketunpoika's dried Sheep Polypore Groats include dried Sheep Polypore mushrooms that have been picked and packed in Finland into 30g paper bags by Ketunretket in Järvenpää. Product number 037 |