Ketunpoika's dried funnel chanterelle groats
Funnel Chanterelle (Cantharellus tubaeformis) is, as the name indicates, a small mushroom with a look of a funnel or a horn. The top part is brownish yellow or greyish. The foot always looks like a thin tube and is yellow colored. Under the top there are always gill-formed big and long folds.
The Dried Funnel Chanterelle Groats are also available as bundle packages, containing 3 different mushrooms eg. sheep polypores, hygrophorus camarophyllus and funnel chanterelles. The bundle package also includes a recipe of a delicious mushroom soup that can be cooked in the forest on open fire. Ketunpoika's dried Funnel Chanterelles have been picked, dried and packed by Ketunretket in Järvenpää, Finland. Packed in 25g paper bags. Product number 036 |